Given the state of my sinuses, glands and over-all well-being, I spent most of yesterday sleeping. Not all that much fun when you know that outside there is so much to do - training, work, etc. But I felt like utter shit so sleeping seemed to be in order. I did take a few hours and drive west to Koh Kret, which is a small "island" in an oxbow of the Chao Phraya river. There isn't much there - a pottery village and a few wats. But I thought it was a good way to spend a few quiet hours. A ferry takes you from the mainland to the island for 2 baht. I spent an hour wandering around, bought a small round pot at one of the potters, then decided it was time to go home and sleep.
Most of the island was flooded, which made walking around quite tricky. Also, given that it was a Thursday morning, many of the shops were not open. I managed to find one which had coffee, relaxed a bit and then continued walking around. There are quite a few kilns on the island, and they make a wide range of pots, jars, goblets, etc. All hand-turned. Most of the workshops are open so I was able to watch a few of the local artists working with the clay.
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