Saturday, July 31, 2010

National Capital 10 km run summary

National Capital 10 km Run
Time: 56:02 minutes
Pace: 5.37 min/km
Place (age category): 4/10
Place (overall): 57/106

My goal for this first race of the season was to run a sub-one hour 10 km. My plan was to keep the 2.5 km splits at less than 15 minutes, not go out too hard, and really push the last 2.5 km.

The morning was perfect for running! Not too hot, no wind, sunny. I biked to Mooney's Bay since parking was apparently going to be an issue. Plus it was an excellent way to warm up the legs a bit. I got to the site, found my timing chip, got my shoes on and headed to the start line. The course was an out-and-back x 2 along the Rideau River near Carleton. And HILLY!! I was worried about my left leg - the attachment point behind my knee has been bothering me on hills in the last week and I wasn't sure pounding hard up and down hills was the best thing for it. Not to worry though - enough stretching in the last couple of days seems to have pacified it and it was fine.

The first 5 km was fast for me - 27 min! I was pretty happy at the turn-around point to have completed 5 km that fast. At that point, I reassesed my goal and decided to aim for around 56 minutes. I hit a bit of a speed bump around 7 km, and at the last major hill headed back through the park, but it was temporary and the thought of a PB kept the speed up. Also, I only walked about 1.5 minutes through the entire race - once to catch my breath and control my breathing a bit more, and the other two short walks to drink some water/eLoad as apparently I can't run and drink at the same time!

Crossing the finish line at 56:02 min was so great. I was pretty proud of myself. I realize that it's not the fastest run in the world, but for me, it was great. I am very happy with myself. YEAH!!! The half-marathon in September doesn't seem entirely insane any longer.

The rest of the morning was excellent as well. I managed to make it to the gym in time for stick class. Note to self: never do stick class without consuming coffee and after hammering on a 10 km race! It makes you brain dead! I was partnered up with Bob too, which makes me a bit more nervous and spastic, but coffee was desperately needed. I actually managed to hit myself in the middle of the forehead with a machete. Thankfully it was the blunt edge of the machete, but it still friggin' hurt!! Apparently funny as hell as well as it sent Bob into a laughing fit. Oh well. I have a headache now though, and a bit of a goose egg!

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