3 days to go - can I survive? I have no choice, do I! One day of work, and then some training and packing. Although I'm pretty much packed - a bag containing both cycling and Muay Thai gear - probably the biggest bag I have brought to Thailand ever. Although much of it will remain there as I have some gifts, a bike helmet that needs to be left behind, and some random protein bars and electrolyte powders, etc. that will be consumed and therefore not return. It's my shin guards and gloves that take up the bulk of the space. But hauling my own shin guards is much better than risking infection with communal gym equipment. Blech.
Time for a whole-body, whole-mind cleanse. I suspect that the anti-depressant I am on, Wellbutrin, is making me irritated and quite angry. It's not an uncommon side-effect as the drug is actually a stimulant. But it's not a good one. So I'm going to try coming off it and see what happens. I'm not sure it's done anything for me anyway. Except do away with the lethargy that the Lexapro caused, which is definitely a good thing. But the anger/rage thing? That is SOOOOO not good! There are only so many solid objects that one can hit before your knuckles start being offended.
I got some really good advice from a good friend today, about believing in yourself and not caring what other people think. This is my resolution for 2013 - to stop being so affected by what other people think. It drags me down and I can't function. I have to be confident in myself. It's a challenge, that's for sure. That said, this advice coming from a guy who does believe in me and has always supported me, so of course that opinion counts!